Loan against property is a loan which a member avail by keeping his/her commercial/residential property as a collateral. Another name for Loan against property is a secured loan. The security in this kind of loan is the property owned by the person applying for the loan. The value of your property decides the amount of potential loan you will be sanctioned
The Types Of Property Against Which LAP Can Be Availed:
- Self-owned residential property
- Self-owned and self-occupied residential property
- Self-owned but rented residential property
- Self-owned piece of land
- Self-owned commercial property
- Self-owned but rented commercial property
Value of your property is not the only criteria for Taniya Samruddhi Nidhi to decide whether you are eligible for a loan. It must be noted that as a standard practice, Taniya Samruddhi Nidhi generally sanction loans of approximately, 65% of the value of your property. The tenure offered in LAP is 7 years.